Furniture joint (C002_L01_S02)
from FAST Lab (A.R.)
Main info
Product sample #002
002 - Recycled PC and PC/ABS.
Waste/Scrap type
PC and PC/ABS blends from industrial scraps.
Waste/Scrap producer
Advanced Composites (PC) and McDonnough (ABS).
Recycling steps
Mechanical recycling (shredding and sieving).
Recyclate nominal size
< 3 mm (after sieving).
Material type
Recycled PC/ABS blend feedstock.
Material composition
70% wt. PC + 30% wt. ABS.
Material producer
Fast Lab (sieving + mixing).
3D Printing - Fused Particle Granulation (FPG).
3D Printing system
Re:3D GigabotX (modified - extruder).
Equipment producer
Nozzle diameter
0.8 mm.
Layer height
0.4 mm.
Printing mode
1 perimeter + 10% infill (Gyroid).
Printing speed
40 mm/s.
No post-processing.
Layer-by-layer appearance from 3D printing process.
3D model features
Simple overhang from the joint shape.
3D model type
Component of a potential application (furniture).
Recyclate library reference
Furniture - Customizable joints
Customizable joints for personalizable and reparable coat hangers and structures.
This 3D model is a component (joint detail) of a customizable and reparable coat hanger and structure. The original concept has been developed during the Ph.D. research period abroad of Alessia Romani at FAST Lab (Western University).