Guitar Neck (C003_L02_S02)
from +Lab (D.T.)
Main info
Product sample #008
Cluster | 003 - Biomass by-products (agro-waste). |
Waste/Scrap type | Biomass by-products from the industrial sector (wood fibers and powder). |
Waste/Scrap producer | // |
Recycling steps | Compounding and filament extrusion. |
Material type | 3D printing filament. |
Material composition | PLA + wood fibers and powder. |
Filament diameter | 1.75 mm. |
Material producer | Kanesis Eco Filament. |
Reprocessing | 3D Printing - Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). |
3D Printing system | Original Prusa i3 MK3S+. |
Equipment producer | Prusa Research. |
Nozzle diameter | 0.6 mm. |
Layer height | 0.2 mm. |
Printing mode | 2 perimeters + infill. |
Printing speed | 40 mm/s. |
Post-processing | No post-processing. |
Finishing | Layer-by-layer appearance from 3D printing process. |
3D model features | Extrusion part for technical components. |
3D model type | Component of a potential application (music). |
Recyclate library reference | C004_M01 |
Resources and links
Thesis work (link to the pdf) | Here. |
Music - Customized technical components
Customizable and reparable technical components of a guitar neck for 3D printing.
This 3D model is a cut-off (neck detail) of Ecdisi, a modular guitar neck to be produced with additive manufacturing technologies, following the principles of circular design (reuse, repair, refurbish). The original concept has been developed during the Master Thesis in Design & Engineering of Davide Teruzzi (Politecnico di Milano).