table (C006_L02_S03)

from +LAB (M.P.)

CoffeeFrom Bio - Sample #009

Main info

Product sample #009

006 - Spent Coffee Grounds from industrial scraps for compounds.

Waste/Scrap type
Spent Coffee Grounds.
Waste/Scrap producer

Recycling steps
Compounding and pelletization.
Recyclate nominal size
~ 3 mm (average size).

Material type
Compounded pellet - Injection Molding Grade.
Material specs
PLA + 10% wt. Spent coffee grounds.
Material producer

3D Printing - Fused Particle Granulation (FPG).
3D Printing system
Delta Wasp Industrial 3MT.
Equipment producer

Nozzle diameter
3 mm.
Layer height
1 mm.
Printing mode
1 perimeter (vase mode).
Printing speed
10 mm/s.

No post-processing.
Layer-by-layer appearance from 3D printing process and color from the coffee-filled pellet.

3D model features
Non-planar parts and components integrating non-planar principles.
3D model type
Component of a potential application (furniture).
Non-planar angle
18° (max curvature).

Recyclate library reference

and links

Thesis work

Research article


Furniture - Public spaces and shop elements

Customizable indoor elements, such as tables, for domestic and/or commercial environments, i.e., shops and public spaces.
This 3D model is a scaled version of BAAM(M), a customizable shop table or coffee table. The original concept has been developed during the Master Thesis in Design & Engineering of Martina Paramatti (Politecnico di Milano).