Pattern sample (C008_L03_S01)

from +LAB (A.R.)

Hemp Hurd Fibers + recycled PLA - Sample #010

Main info

Product sample #010

008 - Recycled PLA with Hemp Hurd from industrial scraps.

Waste/Scrap type
Hemp Hurd, PLA from 3D printed products and trials.
Waste/Scrap producer
SunStrand, Internal waste stream (+LAB).

Recycling steps
Mixing (Hemp Hurd Fibers), Mechanical recycling (Recycled PLA - shredding and sieving).
Recyclate nominal size
< 3 mm (after sieving).

Material type
Recycled PLA feedstock + Hemp Hurd Fibers.
Material specs
85% wt. recycled PLA + 15% wt. Hemp Hurd Fibers. One cycle of reprocessing (recycling + extrusion) for PLA.
Material producer
SunStrand, SuperForma (shredding), and +LAB (mixing).

3D Printing - Solvent-Casting Direct Ink Writing (DIW).
3D Printing system
3Drag (Modified).
Equipment producer

Nozzle diameter
1 mm.
Layer height
0.5 mm.
Printing mode
1 perimeter (vase mode).
Printing speed
10 mm/s.

No post-processing.
Layer-by-layer appearance from 3D printing process and color variation from the hemp hurd fibers and recycled PLA feedstock.

3D model features
Big areas of the maximum building volume (small-format 3D printers).
3D model type
Concept mock-up (pattern path) of a potential application (first-aid orthoses pattern).

Recyclate library reference

and links

3D model (Stl)

3Drag modification


First-aid - First-aid orthoses with reprintable materials

Customizable first-aid orthoses from bio-based and recycled sources to create reprintable materials.
This 3D model is a concept mock-up of a customizable first-aid grid support or orthoses.