Hemp Hurd Fibers
+ recycled PLA (C007_M02)

Secondary raw materials provided by +LAB

Hemp Hurd Fibers + recycled PLA - Secondary raw material #022

Main info

Secondary raw material #022

Cluster 007 - Recycled PLA with Hemp Hurd from industrial scraps
Waste/Scrap type Hemp Hurd, PLA from 3D printed products and trials.
Waste/Scrap producer SunStrand, Internal waste stream (+LAB).
Recycling steps Mixing (Hemp Hurd Fibers), Mechanical recycling (Recycled PLA - shredding and sieving).
Recyclate producer SunStrand, SuperForma (shredding), and +LAB (mixing).
Recyclate nominal size < 3 mm (after sieving).
Recyclate cycle 1 (shredding + extrusion).
Granulate composition 85% wt. recycled PLA + 15% wt. Hemp Hurd Fibers.